Patient form

Patient Information

 Yes  No





 High School



Incase Of Emergency

Pharmacy Information


If at any time I provide an email address at which 1 may be contacted, I consent to receive appointment reminders and other healthcare communications, promotions, and information at that email from the Ibn Sina Foundation/ APAT. I also understand that this disclosure will exclusively be used by Ibn Sina Foundation.


All professional services rendered by Ibn Sina Foundation/APAT are charged to the patient. All services provided to you as a patient of Ibn Sina Foundation/APAT are payable at time of service and are the sole responsibility of you "the patient" and/or guarantor of Minor (your children). I hereby authorize Ibn Sina Foundation/APAT to furnish insurance companies or their representatives information concerning my (my dependents) illness and treatments and I hereby assign to Ibn Sina Foundation/APAT all payments for medical services rendered to myself or my dependents. I understand that 1 am responsible for any amount not covered or unpaid by insurance. I have read and understand the financial policy of Ibn Sina Foundation/APAT and accept the terms.

Alternative Contacts Authorization

In my absence or for the benefit of gaining medical advice on my behalf, I authorize the following person(s) to gain patient health information for / with me.


I hereby state that to the best of my knowledge, the above information is current, correct, and true. I understand thatit is my responsibility to inform Ibn Sina Foundation if I, or my minor child, have changes in any of the informationprovided above.

General Consent Form


I, the undersigned, have voluntarily presented to Ibn Sina Foundation (ISF) for medical/or dental evaluation, diagnosis, and/or treatment. I consent and authorize my provider(s) or his or her designee(s) to provide diagnostic and therapeutic treatment, which may be necessary or advisable in their professional judgment. By signing this consent form, I do not waive my right to refuse recommended tests or treatment(s).


I understand that during the time of treatment, health care workers may be exposed to the patients’ blood and/or body fluids increasing their risk of contracting Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and/or HIV. As part of my treatment, it may be requested that I be tested to determine if I have/had previous contact with the HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. This might be done as part of a diagnostic test or for hospital/or clinic infection control reasons. I understand the need for testing for these diseases and I agree to such testing of myself to promote the health and welfare of the health care worker.


I hereby authorize the ISF to use or disclose my protected health information acquired during my examination and treatment to any authorized agent for the purposes of healthcare, treatment, and payment as described in the Notice of Privacy Practices. I authorize the release of medical information to my insurers as necessary for determination and payment of benefits; to healthcare providers involved in my care; to utilization review and professional standards review organizations, companies, and community resources that assist me with my healthcare needs. ISF may provide vaccination information to the state vaccine registry via electronic integration. I understand that my consent is not needed if the law requires ISF to report some aspect of my protected health information to a government agency (for example, suspected abuse, communicable disease and potential bodily harm to myself or others). I understand and acknowledge that ISF participates in an electronic medical record exchange program, and that if I seek treatment from other healthcare facilities or providers participating in this exchange program, my health information may be shared between ISF and those other facilities or providers for purposes of the delivery of care and services to me. I understand that my medication history will be retrieved for the last 12 months including medications I have filled through my prescription drug plan.


I authorize to release medical information about me to social security administration or its intermediaries for my Medicare/Medicaid/ Medigap claims. I assign the benefits payable for services to ISF.


HIPPA ACKNOWLEDGMENT: I understand that under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), I have certain patient rights regarding my protected health information. I understand that I have the right to review ISF Notice of Privacy Practices/Patients’ Rights and the most recent copy is available upon request. I understand that I may request restrictions be put on the use of my information, and to revoke my consent later. I understand that if I withhold consent for the use of my information for the purpose of treatment, payment or operations, ISF may refuse to undertake my care.


I understand that ISF takes part in education of medical/dental trainees and as such, services may be performed by individuals selected and deemed qualified by the attending physicians. Further, treatment and medical records may be reviewed by approved student and attending physicians for teaching, studies and research purposes. Information identifying patients will not be published without prior patient consent. I authorize residents /students to observe, cooperate, and participate in my care. Further, I agree to participate and/or be contacted to participate in clinical research/advanced clinical care that would be beneficial for me and/or for other patients with a similar diagnosis.


ISF participates in Greater Houston Healthconnect (GHH), a non-profit organization that provides a secured electronic network for Healthconnect participants, including doctors’ offices, hospitals, labs, pharmacies, radiology centers and payers of health claims such as health insurers to share your protected health information. By signing this Authorization, you agree that GHH and its current and future participants may use and disclose your protected health information electronically through GHH for the limited purposes of treatment, payment, and health care operations. This authorization remains in effect unless and until you revoke it. You can revoke this authorization at any time by giving written notice to any healthcare provider who participates in GHH.


Ibn Sina community clinics participates in research studies which can involve proven or experimental treatments. 1 agree to participate and/or be contacted to participate in clinical research/advanced clinical care that would be beneficial for me and/or for other patients with a similar diagnosis. Information identifying patients will not be published without prior patient consent. I authorize residents /students to observe, cooperate, and participate in my care.


As Ibn Sina patient, if you wish to file a grievance or complaint with the Texas Medical Board or Ibn Sina’s Compliance Manager, please contact at or 281-977-7471, or via mail at 11226 S Wilcrest Dr Houston, TX 77099. You will not be penalized for filing a complaint.

I intend this consent to be continuing in nature even after a specific diagnosis has been made and treatment recommended. The consent will remain in full force until revoked in writing. I also understand that by refusing to sign this complete consent or revoking this consent, this organization may rofiise to treat me

I certify that I have read and fully understand the above statements and consent fully and voluntarily.

Do you have insurance?


 Yes    No


Please upload your ID and Insurance card:


I, the undersigned, hereby authorize and direct my insurance carrier to pay directly to Apex Physician Associates of Texas, as per my insurance plan. I further agree to pay the balance of the charges not paid by my insurance. Any balance that is not paid within 60 days will also be my responsibility. I hereby authorize the release of any information necessary to secure payment of benefits. I also authorize the use of this signature on all insurance submissions. Further, I as a parent / legal guardian give consent for treatment for this, and future services rendered to the minor covered under m y insurance plan.

I have received the Notice of Privacy Practices and I have been provided an opportunity to review it and ask any questions.

Patient ID

Please upload your ID and Insurance card:



Are you allergic to any medication?

Are you allergic to latex?

Are you allergic to any food?

Past Medical History

Any condition you have had:



Diabetes Type II

Kidney Stones

High Blood Presure


High Cholesterol





Heart Attack



Mental Illness

Breast Lump

Cancer Type

Stomach Ulcer


Other Deases


List all medications and supplements

Medications How Much? How Often?

Social History

