Our Story

Our Story

The Apex Physician Associates of Texas was established in 2001 by a group of local physicians, business and healthcare professionals. The vision was to bridge the growing gap between the health care needs of a rapidly expanding population of under-served families and the ability of existing public institutions to meet their needs. Ibn Apex Physician Associates of Texas humble beginnings are of extraordinary measures for low income and indigent families who have no access to health care and cannot afford expensive health related services. The Foundation started with one part time staff for 4 hours in 2002 who was paid through borrowed funding from a donor. Currently there are more than 90 staff members. Over the period of 15 years the Foundation has served more than 750,000 patients and we anticipate serving 80,000 patients this year. Apex Physician Associates of Texas has completed many projects and programs successfully with public and private partnership. These programs are sustainable and are affordable. Apex Physician Associates of Texas focuses on prevention and control of diseases at early stage.


Our Mission

To ensure the health of the community by providing integrated, preventive and primary care in a clinical setting through the dissemination and application of health related knowledge, thereby enhancing the quality of life for future generations.

Our Values

To provide comprehensive clinical services without discrimination and treat all with respect and dignity.

Our Objectives

To improve quality of life, enhance life expectancy and increase chances of survival for underprivileged and uninsured patients.

Our Vision

Primary Health Care for All